The Stranger

Meursault to me is more than just a quiet man, known for his aloof and personal struggles with general expression of emotion. In my perspective however is that although he may have trouble expressing emotions, that does not mean he has none. Meursault In fact seems to have too many held inside. Because of this unfortunate lifestyle he has become accustomed to, he was lead to an outburst of physical emotion. This essentially releasing endorphins, giving him a really nice, complete feeling. This could explain the following shots  after his first hesitan shot everyone following the case was curious about. I don’t believe Meursault is sad in ways that a lore him to wanting to be dead, such as the belif that followed Holden in our previous book, but Meursault has realist opinions that death it will happen one day. I know he seems like he is care free, especially when Marie wanted to marry him since all he said was something along the lines of “sure whatever”. I think he is just representative of the ocean, something he connects with in the book. This “go with the flow” attitude was interrupted, as mentioned previously when emotions got the best of him and he killed another man.

    The trial was like any other trial I read about in the past dating back to the 40’s.
The same tactics were implemented with the prosocusion making the defenses look as inhuman as possible or according to the book, a monster. On the defendants side as well there were traditional hopes to make, Meursault in this case, have some sort of reasoning as to why his actions were  not without meaning.  In addition, straying the jury to try to look deeper into him as a person. His lawyer defends him by specifically saying that when looking into Meursault’s soul he saw “a model son”, someone well liked and “sympathetic to the needs of others”. Even with these statements however in the end Meursault was found guilty & sentenced to death. I found this verdict just even thought I really enjoyed Meursault as a character. I believe it was just  because it wasn’t his fight to end in the first place. I also feel that his time spent in jail really helped develop him into a deeper character than he may have been perceived as in the beginning. When quoted from the book “everthing is true and nothing is true” as a reflection of the trial in it of itself I found this to mean that because you aren’t Meursault, you have no real way of telling how he feels or his intentions. In this perspective i’d say this is why a man such as Meursault would have a fair trial but also not a fair trial. Truth is essentially perspective. Thus, he is in fact truly  judged by his peers even if my judgement is different from yours.

 “Nothing is More Important Than an Execution”

At this point in the book I saw a final change in Meursault during the time from his ultimate hours until death. I think that he was enlightened in some way, that this is why he felt most content with death even though when they came to the conclusion to go forward with his execution he seemed upset.He was very pessimistic with statements such as “it doesn’t matter” and that he was going to die anyway. Although this  is true, he would, I am convinced that he only reacted in such a way just incase there was some sort of change in the decision or if he could break free. My efforts of an in-depth thought reason as to why had been a little harder for me to put into words. I have, I suppose, confidence in the fact that he saw death as an end to his old life, making room essentially for a new journey.  Meursaults father was also mentioned to have witnessed an execution, actually resulting in his disgust and all day long sickness. I don’t think this presents anything much deeper than just irony. Although this was just mer coincidence, the Chaplin crying I know was not. Although I feel it had a lot to do with the fact that he couldn’t get Meursault to conform, opening his heart up to the lord, I also believe he cried because he saw good in Meursault. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have been so persistent  with him in the first place in my opinion because he would have lost faith that Meursault was saveable.


Why why why why why 


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