I think that "Mr.Flood's Party" is the best out of the three poems offered. I have a few reasons as to why I think that. For one, I enjoyed the puzzle that the poem presented. I think that the meaning of the poem is relatable to everyone once it is analyzed. It has a deep and profound meaning that stands the test of time. I also liked that the poem referenced other poems and that you really have to dig deep to understand the references to those poems. One such example is that of "the bird is on the wing". It shows that Eben Flood is more than just a drunk, and is in fact a well versed man. The poem mirrors Eben in that way. Giving the poem a once or twice over, it might seem like just a bunch if words put together on a page in an ofd fashion. Giving Eben Flood a once or twice over might reveal that he is a drunk and a town outcast. But once you delve deeper, you see that both hold true meaning and worth beyond first glance. I think that is an outstanding characteristic of the poem. A comparison that stood out to me was that or Flood's lifespan and that to the harvest moon. "Well, Mr. Flood, we have the harvest moon again and we nay not have many more...". Even though this may be a simple comparison, it is indeed one of value. The poet is saying that he will not live much longer but the deeper aspect of that is saying almost that he is nearing to be ripe for harvest. The harvest moon is when crops are picked so the author's choice to use the harvest moon is very symbolic of Floods time coming but in a deeper manner than of what is first seen.


  1. Dear self, read over before posting, you will and always will have typos. You didnt spice it up with some 10/10 gifs leaving this blog even boring for yourself to read. I still like your word choice however and I truly am excited to see you progess as these blogs go on. Your comparisons werent the strongest but I still find it clear to understand what you meant. Overall it was a decent first blog.
    With love, Self

  2. You did explain why you like the poem but I think you should’ve kept going with the “bird is on the wing” you just touched on it and you could’ve further expanded on it, as well as when you said "I liked that the poem referenced other poems ". I wish you had kept going with that thought because I am curious. Parts of it were a little vague and it is all jumbled into one big paragraph. Adding some visuals would have strengthened your post. You had a couple spelling errors but it was still understandable.
    Overall you provided good insight :)

  3. I agree with Danya when she said that she thinks that you should expand on your thoughts. I feel like you have solid ideas that should have their own paragraphs instead of having only about a sentence or two for them. A couple of those ideas are: "It has a deep and profound meaning that stands the test of time." You follow up on this line towards the end of your blog, but I feel like you could've put those thoughts together in the same paragraph and mention how the higher Mr. Flood goes, the closer he is to his death. Another idea that you had was, "I also liked that the poem referenced other poems and that you really have to dig deep to understand the references to those poems. " Here, you could reference the 7th century Chinese poem by Li Po and compare it to 'Mr. Flood's Party' that would definitely give you a paragraph.
    The thoughts are there in the blog, I just wish that you went deeper into them.

  4. You did well with explaining why you liked this poem the most out of the three but didn't tell about the literary devices that were used throughout the poem.
    Short, but Sweet ;)

  5. I agree with the previous comments. You have greats ideas, but if you would go into detail more and expand your thoughts your blog will improve a lot. I really like the "bird is on the wing" example because it is an important part of the poem. Visuals would have made the blog better, but overall it was a good blog!

  6. This is your first piece of writing I have read, I am always going to look for improvement. This being said you addressed allusion, you need to include quotes and then build on it. A note of advice, scalia prefers paragraphs and a clear thesis for examples check jennas blog.

  7. The post is on topic and explains everything great, but there are no paragraphs or pictures so it won't draw the eye of as many readers. I've also always heard to never start a writing piece with "I think". Other than that there's no errors that you haven't already addressed.


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