The seminar was a good idea and I hope to continue with more of them so we can all improve.
I felt a lot of points were repetitive and more original ideas should have been focused on. It kinda sucked that we started talking about more than just Phoebe only in the end, it seemed a lot more people volunteered to participate and that’s what I would have perferred the whole time. Personally, I was also surprised that it went smoothly without any heated arguments, everyone was respectful. I think it could have been a little more relaxed so others felt more comfortable to talk, maybe even a little more than what they have. Overall though I did enjoy it and hope that we can do it more often. I think relaxed seminars would be more beneficial than reading the book back to us and having discussions only because when we did that with the Cather and the Rye not everyone participated with new ideas and outlook.


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